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Showing posts with label Algonquin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Algonquin. Show all posts

Saturday 20 March 2021

Winter in Algonquin

 Spruce Bog Trail In Winter.

Location: Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada
Address: Spruce Bog Trail
Date: Feb 2019
Website: www.algonquinpark.on.ca

 While Algonquin Park is known for moose and bears and wolves, in the winter it is all about the little guys.  We visited the Ontario provincial park with a goal to try and see one little critter who is quite active during the winter months.  We were on the trail of the American Pine Marten.

 Chickadee At Algonquin Park in Winter.

  We started our search on the Spruce Bog Trail as there had been reports of marten spotted here. A chickadee welcomed us as we started the trail. Things looked promising.

 Animal Tracks in Algonquin Park in Winter.

  We came across some small tracks in the snow.  Things looked even more promising.  We are not the best at identifying tracks, but we believe we have marten tracks in the photo above.

Grey Jay in Algonquin Park.

    Next we were greeted by one of the guardians of the forest. A grey jay flew to a nearby branch to watch us on our hike. "Can you show us where the pine marten are hiding?" we asked. The grey jay flew from branch to branch in front of us leading the way. After a short time he flew off. We didn't come across any marten, but we always enjoy a visit from a curious jay all fluffed up for winter.   

A Snow Fly Walking In Winter Algonquin Park.

  As we were scanning the snow looking for marten tracks we noticed something unexpected walking across the snow.  It was a snow fly.  We never expected to see insects during the winter months, but that is when the adult snow flies live.  They have glycerol inside them to prevent their bodies from freezing in the cold weather.

Pine Marten Fur in Algonquin Park.

  When we returned to the parking lot after our hike, we learned that we had just missed a pair of pine marten running around in the snow at the edge of the lot.  While we had been out on the trail they had been putting on a show.  We hung around for a little while just in case. Still we had no luck and decided to see what was going on at the Visitor Centre.

Porcupine In Tree At Algonquin Park.

    At the back of the Algonquin Visitor Centre is a large viewing area that looks out across the valley below.  We noticed a group of photographers interested in something in the distance.  In the center of the photo above is a porcupine at the top of a tree (trust us).  Unfortunately, there are not too many porcupine in Algonquin.  They are preyed upon by the slightly larger relative of the pine marten, the fisher.  Fishers themselves are a rare sighting in the park.
Common Redpoll in Algonquin Park.

  There is also a bird feeder behind the Visitor Centre which sometimes attracts martens looking to eat some of the bird seeds. It never disappoints as various birds come and go.  A common redpoll (above) is one frequent winter visitor. 

Pine Grosbeak.
Pine Grosbeak.

    Another bird we had never seen before is the pine grosbeak.  The male is the brighter red coloured one.   We had seen a lot of different things today, but it was still the martens we had our sights on.

Mew Lake Campground.

  We had one last place we wanted to try in our search for the marten.  We headed to Mew Lake Campground where there is an old airfield and of course camping.

A Pine Marten in Algonquin Park.

   No sooner had we pulled the car into a parking spot when we spotted something in the rear-view mirror.  At last!  A pine marten had just climbed over the snow bank and onto the road.

A Pine Marten in Algonquin Park.

   We stepped out of the car and the marten ran back into the woods.  We stayed still and it wasn't long until the marten showed itself again and continued searching through the snow.  A marten is about the size of a small cat but with much shorter legs.

Snow Fleas in Algonquin Park.

   After spending some time with our new forest friend, we started to head back to our car.  We noticed something that looked like pepper in the snow.  Upon closer examination we realized it was snow fleas or springtails.  Another winter insect.  As we watched them we could see the fleas hop off the snow and disappear into the air. 

  Suddenly, something flew near us and at first we thought it was a moth.  We had seen enough insects that day, why not a snow moth?  Something else flew towards us and we realized it was a group of chickadees.  They took turns swooping in and landing or almost landing on us.  They must have thought we wanted to feed them.  As they flew closer to our faces, we decided to take cover and call it a day.   It truly was a day full of small creatures, but the marten was definitely the cutest animal in the forest that day, or some might say any day.

Map of Our World
Algonquin Park (Mew Lake) , Algonquin Park (Spruce Bog)

Post # 297

Sunday 10 January 2016

Lake Opeongo (Algonquin Park)

Algonqun Outfitters Dock.

Location: Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada
Address: Lake Opeongo Road
Date: Oct 2005
Website: www.algonquinpark.on.ca

  On the road to Opeongo Lake is where we had one of our greatest moose encounters.  This road leads up from Highway 60 to an Algonquin Outfitters location where canoeists can launch and head even further north to the lake.  The first lake we encountered as we drove up the road is Costello Lake.

Hey Abbott!
 Costello Lake.

  A little further along the road passes through a marshy area.  Occasionally you can see beaver dams built in this area.  This is also where we encountered a rather large snapping turtle attempting to cross the road.  We stopped and he lumbered across to continue on his journey.  In Algonquin you need to always be on the lookout as you never know what is around the corner.

  As the road winds over a small bridge there is a rather large rock sitting in the water which makes for a great photo opportunity.

Great Photo Spot.

    At the end of the road are two parking lots where you can leave your vehicle when you go canoeing.  As it was the off-season nothing was open so we were just using the parking lot to turn around.  As we drove into the first lot we spotted something.  It was more than something, it was a moose and her baby headed into the bushes.   

Moose on the loose.

  We drove out and up to the second lot, we stopped the car and we waited.

Mom with shy baby behind her.

  Luck was with us and a moment later the mother moose climbed up the hill and stopped to give us a look.  Behind her was her young offspring waiting for the all clear.  The mother walked over and started eating leaves from a tree.  She had determined we were not a threat.  She continued across the parking lot and a moment later the baby came out of the bushes and went over to her.  New calves are usually born in May or June and will stay with their mother until she gives birth again the next spring.  We have determined that this calf is most likely about 5 months old.

    It was all over in just a few moments.  We were able to catch one last glimpse of the two moose as they headed into the bushes at the side of the parking lot.
Moose Caboose.

  When we visit Algonquin we always take a drive up to this parking lot in hopes of repeating our experience.  Algonquin Park has one of the highest concentrations of moose in all of Ontario.  We have had other moose encounters elsewhere in the park, but never in this same spot.  We do get to enjoy the beautiful scenery whenever we visit as you can see below. 

Algonquin Parking Lot Fall Colours.
View From Lake Opeongo Road.

    As we head back south towards Highway 60, we also keep a keen lookout for any activity.  We know that a brief moment can be the difference between having a memorable wildlife encounter and not seeing anything at all.

Lake Opeongo Road.

Map of Our World
Algonquin Park (Lake Opeongo)

Post # 89