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Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts

Monday 20 February 2023

The Old Tavern Of Psaras

View Of The Athens Plaka Neighbourhood From The Acropolis 

Location: Athens, Greece
Address: Erotokritou 16, Plaka
Date: February 2023
Website: psaras-taverna.gr

    The Plaka is one of the oldest neighbourhoods in Athens, Greece.  It spreads out below the Acropolis from the North-East side like a maze.  We are sure that even right now, many a tourist is lost and trying to find their way through the Plaka.  If you are trying to drive a rental car and check into your hotel the streets of the Plaka can be quite frustrating.  The streets are narrow and winding and many are pedestrian only. If you are ready to take an evening stroll looking for great food and some souvenirs then the Plaka can be full of surprises.

Choragic Monument Of Lysicrates In Plaka Athens Greece.

      Around any corner could be a church or a monument. The Choragic Monument of Lysicrates above, dates from 334 BC and sits in a little square.

Plaka Streets Athens.

   In Plaka some streets are bustling and some appear deserted.  There is always the chance that coming around the corner is a bike, a taxi or a crowd of people.  We worked our way through the streets in order to find a special place for dinner.

View From The Acropolis Over Plaka Towards Lycabettus Hill.

  From the Acropolis you can look down on the red rooftops of the oldest buildings in Plaka.  Off in the distance is the highest point in Athens, Lycabettus Hill.  Near the front of the photo is Psaras Taverna which is the oldest continually operating tavern in all of Athens.

Close-Up View Of Psaras Taverna From The Acropoliis.

   Just in case you couldn't locate the restaurant in the previous photo, here is a close up view.  Now you should be able to find it. Using an aerial view is much easier than finding the restaurant back down on the ground.

Psaras Taverna In Plaka Athens.

    Psaras means fisherman in Greek so the name of the restaurant in English is the Old Fisherman's Tavern.  The restaurant has been operating since 1898.

Psaras Tavern Chairs And Tables Spread Down The Stairs.
     The restaurant has taken over several buildings and all of the stairs in the area.
Psaras Taverna Oldest Building.

     We were seated outside in a corner next to a heat lamp to keep us warm.  It was rather cool in Athens that week and it did actually snow only two days later. We appreciated being tucked in to enjoy our meal and the atmosphere.  We had a mushroom soup and a chicken gyro dinner.

   Psaras Tavern Tables On Stairs Athens.

   As we were finishing up our coffee we heard a woman speaking to the matre d'.  "Reservation for a rather large goup of kidney doctors please".  We took care of our bill and readied ourselves for the streets of Plaka.  Sure enough a line of people appeared from one of the walkways and snaked past us and up to an upper terrace seating area.  We didn't stay to count, but 165 sounds about right.

The Acroplis From The Plaka Athens.
    As we made our way back through the streets of the Plaka we looked up at the Acropolis.  We would be back again in the Plaka the next day and end up dining at Diogenis (on the right in the photo above).  The Plaka is a great place to spend a day getting lost and seeing what you can find.

Map of Our World
Psaras Taverna , Diogenis
Choragic Monument Of Lysicrates
Post # 320

Friday 20 January 2023

Thessaloniki Waterfront

Aristotelous Square

Thessaloniki, Greece
Address: Aristotelous Square
Date: August 2015
Website: thessaloniki.gr

    Thessaloniki is the second largest city in Greece.  It has a beautiful waterfront filled with interesting buildings and sculptures. When we visited we took a walk through the center of town towards Aristotelous Square and along the water.

Pigeons Balloons And People In Aristotelous Square

   As you head towards the water you walk along a huge pedestrian plaza flanked by buildings on either side. As we neared the actual square we encountered a large group of pigeons and people selling balloons. The idea of the square was designed in 1918, but the majority was not built until the 1950s. In terms of Greek structures this square is just a baby. 

Aristotle Statue Thessaloniki

      The area is named after the Greek philosopher Aristotle. There is a statue of him seated at the edge of the square. Aristotle was born in 382 BC. That is over 2000 years before even the idea of the square.

Thessaloniki Greece Waterfront.

  After walking through the square, you can walk along the waterfront where an assortment of restaurants await.

Lanterns And Deli Meats Hang In Agioli Restaurant.

    One restaurant we visited was Agioli. It had planes, lanterns and deli meats all hanging from its ceiling. 

The White Tower Of Thessaloniki.

     After enjoying a meal or a drink you can continue along the waterfront towards the most recognizable structure in Thessaloniki.

The Greek Flag Flys At The White Tower In Thessaloniki.

     The White Tower stands over Thessaloniki's waterfront as it has since approximately 1535.  Greece regained control of the city and the tower from Ottoman rule and the tower still stands today.

Nikolaos Votsis Statue Thessaloniki.

    In front of the White Tower stands a statue dedicated to Nikolaos Votsis who was a famous Greek naval officer.

Pirate Ship Thessaloniki

   If you wish to have your own adventures out on the sea there are tourist ships that will take you.  You can enjoy the view as well as a few drinks on a pirate ship.

Argo Boat Thessaloniki.

     If you prefer you can also travel out on the sea in a replica of the Argo.  The Argo was a ship used in the story of Jason and the Argonauts on their quest to find the Golden Fleece.

The White Tower Thessaloniki.

   As we headed further along the waterfront we took one more look up at the White Tower.  You can see little openings where the soldiers would look out or launch their weapons from.  Today the tower is used as a museum to explain some of the history of the area.

Alexander The Great Statue Thessaloniki.

   The next statue we encountered was of Alexander the Great.  Alexander was a king in Ancient Greece.  He was actually tutored by Aristotle when he was a young boy.

Alexander The Great Statue Thessaloninki.

   Alexander The Great was great at battle and created a huge empire that stretched from Greece all the way to India.  He is depicted rearing up on his horse with sword in hand.

National Resistance Memorial Thessaloniki.

   A different work of art located next to Alexander is the National Resistance Memorial.  This memorial is dedicated to the Greek heroes who fought in World War II.

Hooded Crows Walk Through Thessaloniki.

  An army of birds caught our eye as they marched over a grassy patch.  We moved closer to see who these vistors were.

Hooded Crow Thessaloniki.

  The birds in question were hooded crows.  They get their name from their black head.  They are found all across Europe and unlike their raven cousins they have grey and brownish feathers as well as black.

Konstantinos Karamanlis Statue Thessaloniki.

      A nearby statue represents another great Greek leader.  This is Konstantinos Karamanlis.  From 1955 to 1995 he was Prime Minister four times and President of Greece twice.

The Umbrellas of Thessaloniki.

  Further along the waterfront was a piece of art not representing any great person but just for art's sake.

The Umbrellas Of Thessaloniki.

   The Umbrellas was created by sculptor Giorgios Zongolopoulos in 1997 and has become a popular photo spot along the water.

OTE Tower Thessaloniki.

   As we looked up the street we noticed another strange tower in the distance.  This is OTE Tower and it opened in 1966. Unlike the White Tower, it was never involved in battle.  It does work as a communications tower and has a revolving restaurant inside. 

Sunset Behind The White Tower Thessaloniki.

   The sun started to set as we headed back towards Aristotelous Square for dinner.  We found a nice spot on one of the balconies and enjoyed our meal as we waited for the show.

Sunset Over The Port Of Thessaloniki.

    Soon the sun started to set behind the industrial port section of the waterfront. The sky turned a bright orange as the sun slipped away.

The White Tower At Night In Thessaloniki.

   Soon the darkness had taken over and groups of people headed out to enjoy the nightlife. We realized we had spent the whole day exploring and admiring the sights around Thessaloniki's waterfront.  Not a bad way to spend a day.

Map of Our World
White Tower Of Thessaloniki
Post # 319

Wednesday 17 June 2020

The Acropolis

The Acropolis In Athens Greece

Location: Athens, Greece
Address:  Athens 105, 58
Date:  July 2000
Website:  odysseus.culture.gr

  The Acropolis sits on a flat rock overlooking the city of Athens.  Acropolis means highest point and there has been some form of monument or structure up on the hill since at least 600 BC.  It has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site since it is a great architectural achievement and a place filled with history.  Thousands of tourists brave the heat of the mid-day sun to climb up the hill and explore the site.

The Parthenon At The Acropolis In Athens Greece

  In 447 BC the Athenian Empire started construction of the Parthenon.  It is the most visible structure standing today.

Parthenon Construction Athens Greece

  The temple was attacked in 1687 by the Venetians and the structure was heavily damaged.  Restoration attempts continue to this day.  When you visit the site you will see scaffolding and equipment as workers painstakingly restore the Parthenon to its former glory. 

Parthenon Column Athens Greece

  We toured the site and could see how many of the columns had been put back together.  This one column above appeared to not quite be a perfect fit.

Parthenon Construction Athens Greece

  As the repair continues, new marble is used to match the existing pieces.  You can see in the photo above how the new white marble stands out.  Someone will have to match the new stone to the old stone by hand.

The Parthenon At The Acrocpolis

     The Parthenon is an impressive site as its columns stand tall reaching up towards the sky.

The Erechtheion At The Acrocpolis

  On the north side of the Acropolis stands the Erechtheion.  It contains several caryatids which are female figures used as the columns which hold up the building.

Odeon Of Herodes Atticus At The Acrocpolis

  On one side of the Acropolis sits the Odeon of Herodes Atticus.  This is an open air theatre that was built in 161 AD.  In the 1950s it was restored and in 1957 the famous Greek opera singer Maria Callas peformed there.  Since then many performers have taken the opportunity to play this unique stage. Sting, Foo Fighters, Placido Domingo, Frank Sinatra, Florence & The Machine and Elton John are just a few of these performers.

Athens Greece From The Acrocpolis

  Standing up at the Acropolis you can see Athens sprawling out around you.

Lycabettus Hill From The Acropolis

    From the Acropolis you can also see Lycabettus Hill.  Lycabettus Hill is actually the highest point in Athens.

The Acropolis At Night

  After a day spent soaking in history up on the Acropolis you should enjoy a drink and a nice meal in one of the endless restaurants located back down in the city below.  Sit back and relax and let the sun set.  Next, the Acropolis will wow you once more as the Parthenon is lit up against the night sky.

Map of Our World
Acropolis Of Athens

Post # 288

Monday 20 April 2020


Mavrovouni Greece

Location: Mavrovouni, Greece
Address: Mavrovouni 232 00
Date: Aug 2015

   Mavrovouni is a small Greek village located in the South Pelopponese.  The name Mavrovouni means Black Mountain.  The village sits on the top of the mountain above. 

Gytheio View From Mavrovouni Greece.

  A short distance from Mavrovouni is the larger fishing town of Gytheio.  You can see the homes of Gytheio and Cranae Island as you look across the water.

Home Near The Top Of Mavrovouni Greece.

  As you work your way to the top of the mountain you go past the homes with their terracotta rooftops and white painted walls.  We made this climb several times in the heat of the mid-day sun.

The Three Holy Hierarchs In Mavrovouni

  At the very top of the village stands the church The Three Holy Hierarchs.

A Lone Tree In Front Of Goulades Castle.

  On land next to the church sits Goulades Castle.  This castle was built in the late 1700s.

Mediterranean View

  The view from the hills spreads out revealing the beautiful scenery.
Sunset In Mavrovouni Greece.

    As the sun begins to set, you get an even more spectacular view as you look towards the Mediterranen Sea.

Olive Trees In Mavrovouni.

  The sun sets behind the rows of olive trees.  The sky, sea and land come together as one to reveal shades of blue, orange, pink and yellow.  A typical end to another day in a small village beside the sea.

Mavrovouni Sunset.

Map of Our World
Post # 284