Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Address: 4967 Clifton Hill
Date: Jan 2015
Website: www.upsidedownhouseniagarafalls.ca
Things are getting a bit topsy-turvy in Niagara Falls. You could be forgiven for thinking that something is not quite right as you near the top of Clifton Hill. We were headed to the Upside Down House where the floor is the ceiling and the ceiling is the floor. The entire structure sits on its roof and you enter the home through a door that has been cut into its side. No one uses the front door as it is up in the air on what is now the second floor.
Even before reaching the Upside Down House we encountered the Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum which appears to have toppled over onto its side. King Kong clings to the top of the tower which points the way to our final destination. We finally reached the home, paid our admission and walked inside.
The first room we encountered was the kitchen. We looked up and there above us were a fridge, a stove and a breakfast table all defying gravity. Don't try to hide the cookie jar from little hands by putting it in the top cupboard. The floor would be harder for them to reach.
The photo above is what the house would look like if it had a normal kitchen.
We hope you don't think we just took a bunch of pictures and flipped them around. If you notice the cars outside in the parking lot in this hallway photo, you can see that this photo is right way up. In the wider photo below you can see the ceiling that we walk on to move around the house.
The best part of the Upside Down House is the trick photos you can take.
The upper photo is of the bathroom as it really appeared. If you take a picture of someone's arms reaching for the ceiling and then flip it around, it looks like you are falling from above.
Map of Our World

Post # 133