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Monday 20 February 2017

Immigrant Family

We come from the land of the ice and snow. From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Address: 18 Yonge Street
Date: May 2014
Website: www.tomotterness.net

   Where they came from, we don't know.  It is possible that they came from New York City, as we have seen some smaller yet similar people in the subway there.  This Toronto sculpture and the "Life Underground" figures in New York are both created by artist Tom Otterness.  The other thing they both have in common is that they are very cute.  The family with the big round heads are part of a work of art called "Immigrant Family".  They stand in front of a Yonge Street condo welcoming people to Toronto.  Or is that being welcomed to Toronto?  Either way this family always brings a smile to our faces.

We Are Family.

Map of Our World
Immigrant Family

Post # 163

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Someone Call A Veterinarian

Someone Call A Veterinarian!

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Address: Colborne Street
Date:  Oct 2016
Website: www.omnihotels.com

  We had decided to watch the entire television series of Due SouthDue South was a show about a Canadian Mountie (Paul Gross) who ends up in Chicago helping their police department.   The show took place in Chicago, but was actually filmed in Toronto, Canada.  The fourth episode of season one is called "They Eat Horses, Don't They?" and features Richard Moll (Bull from Night Court).   In this episode a family gets food poisoning and Benton (The Mountie) suspects that it was caused by wild horses being captured illegally and sold as meat.

A Jutting Curved Glass Roof.

 Benton takes an early morning horse ride through the streets with a woman that is also fighting to protect the horses.  When they start to ride their horses we recognized the curved glass roof that juts out from Commerce Court.  This would put them heading east on Colbourne Avenue.

Looking West On Colborne Street. It's Not Unusual To Be Served Filet Mignon.

  As they continue to ride along, the woman charges ahead on her horse and heads past the Tom Jones Steak House.  When she turns to look back at Benton we realized that a famous movie scene had also been filmed here heading in the opposite direction.  Surprisingly, it also featured horses.

Gimme That Bike! Come On Move It This Is Official Police Business!

  In the Police Academy movie, Mahoney (Steve Guttenberg) and Lieutenant Harris (G.W. Bailey) are stuck in traffic.

Traffic Is Much Lighter On Colborne Street Today.

Officer Hooks (Marion Ramsey) is quietly trying to restore order after a truck full of chickens has been involved in an accident.. A vehicle pulling a horse trailer is also stuck in traffic just past the stop sign above.

Passing Tome Jones Again.

  Harris is frustrated so he commandeers a motor bike and speeds off along the street heading west.

High Flying Harris.

 A sports car suddenly pulls out in front of Harris and he is sent flying.towards the horse trailer.  A loud whinny is heard and a woman on the street faints.  Mahoney is seen standing in front of a street light (first picture at the top of this post) and shouts "Someone call a veterinarian!".  It was fun to visit this movie/television filming location.  We had seen the King Eddie many times from the front entrance but we never had any reason to go around back.  When we did we were surprised. We suspect that Lieutenant Harris might say the same thing about horses.

This location is near King subway. Visit other Toronto TTC stations.

Map of Our World
Someone Call A Veterinarian
Tom Jones Steak House

Post # 162

Friday 10 February 2017

Humber College (Police Academy)

Integrity Knowledge Courage.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Date: July 2014
Website: www.humber.ca

  As you approach the Lakeshore Campus of Humber College it might seem very familiar.  That would be because you have seen this location many times in the Police Academy movies.  You remember it from the original film as well as Police Academy 3: Back In Training and Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol.  You don't recall it from Police Academy's 2, 5, 6 or 7 because those movies were filmed in Los Angeles, Miami and Moscow.

Welcome to the new Police force.

  The roundabout in front of the main bulding is where most of the main cast comes together for the first time.  This is where Mahoney (Steve Guttenberg) and Jones (Michael Winslow) arrive at the academy.  Mahoney is wearing a "One in the Oven" t-shirt and Jones is blasting Frankie Goes To Hollywood on his boom box.  Cadet Martin shows up with a car full of girlfriends and Tackleberry (David Graf) pulls up in his jeep ready for action.  Cadet Fackler shows up at the academy with his wife clinging to the hood of the car.  That is until he stops.

Look at that Scum.

  Up in the main tower is Commandant Lassard's (George Gaines) office.  He watches the new recruits arrive with Lieutenant Harris (G.W. Bailey) and the Chief of Police.  This is also where Mahoney waves to Cadet Thompson (Kim Cattral) from the lower office. 

Cumberland House.

  The house next to the Humber College buildings is Cumberland House.  In the first Police Academy movie, Mahoney is told that this house is where the Commandant and his wife live.  He sends Cadet Barbara over to the house and tells him to say that "Mahoney sent you".  Mahoney does this in hopes that it will get him kicked out of the academy.


  In Polce Academy 3 a rich recruit mistakes Hightower (Bubba Smith) for a porter and asks him for help with his bags.  Hightower is more than happy to help and delivers the luggage through the air to somewhere inside the building above.

Hi. Was I Going Too Fast?

  Back at the roundabout both Zed (Bobcat Goldwaith) and Sweetchuck (Tim Kazurinsky) arrive as new recruits.  Zed is on his motorbike and Sweetchuck on his moped.  Zed loses control and ends up in the flower bed while Sweetchuck crashes into the trunk of a police car.  In Police Academy 4 Mahoney and Jones end up in the flower bed this time.  Lassard accidentaly shoots a golf ball out of his office which then cracks their windshield.

You will work and train with the Police.  The Police will work and train with you.  Working and training.  Training and working.
It's a door no more.

  Commandant Lassard announces the new COP (Citizen's On Patrol) in front of the main doors.  Sharon Stone plays a role in the movie as a reporter and Mahoney is quick to offer to field any questions that she may have. When we arrived at the campus, the building was sealed off and a pretend door had been painted over where the real door used to be.

Thanks to them all, this academy will carry on its fine tradition.

  It was fun to visit where the Police Academy movies started and where they returned again and again to bring integrity, knowledge, courage and comedy.

Map of Our World
Humber College (Lakeshore Campus) , Cumberland House

Post # 161